Ahmet Arslan (Urfalı)

Ahmet Arslan (Urfalı)

Şanlıurfa, Turkey
Ankara University Faculty of Language History and Geography Department of Philosophy

Philosopher. (b. 1944, Şanlıurfa). He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language History and Geography, Department of Philosophy. He completed his doctorate (1973) and associate professorship (1978) studies in the same department. He founded Ege University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy and served as the chairman of this department. He published many articles about Islamic Philosophy and Political Philosophy in various reviews.


Kemalpaşazade’nin Tehafüt Haşiyesi (Explanation of Roughly Threat of Kemalpaşazade, 1987), Haşiye Ala’t Tehafüt Tahlili (Appendix: Analyze of Ala’t Tehafüt, 1987), İbn Haldun’un İlim ve Fikir Dünyası (İbn Haldun’s Scientific and Intellectual World, 1987), Felsefeye Giriş (Introduction to Philosophy, 1994), Felsefe Tarihi 1 – Başlangıçlarından Atomculara Kadar (History of Philosophy – from the Beginning to the Atomists, 1995), Laiklik, Demokrasi ve Türkiye (Secularism, Democracy and Turkey, 1995), İslam Felsefesi Üzerine (About Islamic Philosophy, 1999).

REFERENCE: Virgül (sayı: 29, Nisan 2000), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007).