Biyografya is a platform that publishes biographies of famous people in their fields.
- As a fundamental principle, on Biyografya, biographies are not published without fact-checking. For this reason, any content sent to us is checked for accuracy by fact-checking editors and edited or corrected if necessary, before publishing it.
- Our main aim is to provide the missing information and correct the erroneous information on our site.
- We don’t publish anything that violates the right of freedom of expression. We don’t publish degrading or insulting expressions that show bias in terms of race, gender, political view, social position, world view, sexual orientation or religious belief.
- We don’t publish anything that is harmful to vulnerable populations including children, disabled people and minorities in our society.
- In racial, religious and moral issues, we won’t allow anyone to publish any content inciting hatred and hate or any content that is harmful to national unity.
- We don’t publish any content that offenses against public morality, family order or religious beliefs.
- We don’t allow anyone to publish degrading or insulting expressions for any legal or real person.
- We don’t judge any person until found guilty by a final decision of the court.
- We show respect for the right to have a private life and don’t violate this right without good cause.
- Sending spam messages is forbidden. Sending same or similar messages multiple times is also forbidden.
- We don’t allow anyone to publish anything intending to pervert the course of justice and any disrespectful comment or content towards laws or judicial authority.