He was born in 1971 in Dutveren village of Silvan County of Diyarbakır Province.(TURKEY) After 6 years of Arabic language education, He took non-formal primary education exam in Hürriyet Primary School in Batman because he had not a school in his village.
He completed the secondary school in Diyarbakır High School and high school education in Diyarbakır Birlik High School.
He started working as a journalist in 1993. As well as working for local newspapers like Diyarbakır Soz Daily Newspaper and Olay Daily Newspaper, he also worked for Aktüel Radyo Televizyon, Can Tv, Mega Radyo - Mega Tv and Kanal 21 as new editor , Executive Editor and CEO.
As well as representing the national TV channels, He also worked as a representative of Daily Newspaper in Diyarbakır, regional representative of Katılım Magazine and worked as a reporter for Turkish Daily News in Diyarbakır.
He worked in Grand Turkish National Assembly as a press advisor of the Deputy of Diyarbakır for Democratic Left Party (DSP), as from 1999.
He worked as a representative of Turkey for Avrasya Daily Newspaper, the head office of which is in London.
After the publication of his book with the name of “Diyarbakır’da Aşk, Savaş ve Siyaset- Love, War and Policy in Diyarbakır”
He started English education in Karacan Private Course in Ankara and completed the course at TOEFL level on 14 February in 2008. He knows Turkish, English and Kurdish languages; However, although he can read Arabic well he cannot speaks practically because he has not used it for a long time.
Books and Works Written:
1- Diyarbakır’da Aşk, Savaş ve Siyaset- Love, War and Policy in Diyarbakır (Politics)
2- Kumsal Aşk’ı Kirletir- Make is Dirty Seaside ( Novel)
3- Dede! Dede! Babamı İdam Ediyorlar - Grandfather! Grandfather! They are Doing Suicide My Father’s (Novel
4- Kürtler ve Ötekiler- Kurds and Others (Politics),
5- Erbakan's Secret PKK Summit, Key Name of the Summit İsmail Nacar (Politics),
6- Kemalizm ve Jakobenlik-Kemalism and Jacobinism (Politics)
7- Cem’e Cevaplar- Answers to Cem He wrote his books "(religion and philosophy)
8- " MÂHİNUR "(novel).
He won METU English Language Teaching in 2009, but could not study due to financial difficulties.
Contact info: cuneytalphan@mynet.com cemalphan@hotmail.com
REFERENCE: Nejat Satıcı "Silvan" (İhsan Işık / Diyarbakır Ansiklopedisi, 2013), İhsan Işık / Geçmişten Günümüze Diyarbakırlı İlim Adamları Yazarlar ve Sanatçılar (2014) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2009, 2017), Mehmet Zeki Özer / Diyarbakırlı Gazeteci-Yazar Cüneyt Alphan’ın altıncı kitabı ‘Kürtler ve Ötekiler’ kitabı çıktı (guneydoguhaber.com, 28.01.2019), Confirmation of information (15.02.2021).