Hayrünnisa Gül

Hayrünnisa Gül

Istanbul, Turkey
Çemberlitaş Kız Lisesi (High School for Girls)

She is the wife of the 11th of president of the Republic of Turkey, Abdullah Gül. Although she was born in 1965, Beşiktaş/Istanbul; her family is from Kayseri, located in Central Anatolia. She studied in Istanbul, Beyazıt Koca Ragıp Paşa Primary School and Çemberlitaş Kız Lisesi (High School for Girls). She married Abdullah Gül in 1980. In 2002, she became the first lady. And on 28th August 2007, she started to host in Çankaya House as the wife of the president of the republic. 

Attaching great importance to the social activities, Hayrünnisa Gül has supported “The Education Enables” Project that aims at creating awareness on the fact that the disabled children have the capacity to learn and are able to be active in all spheres of social life. As the mentor of the Project, she has been invited as the speaker by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and addressed to the General Assembly that brings together the parliamentarians of 47 countries. She also mentored the needed young persons in scope of the “81 Stars from 81 Provinces Project”. Thanks to the Project, ninth, tenth and eleventh grade students who are successful in their classes and/or in any branches of sport and who are in need of financial help have been selected by the governors to receive support to continue their education.

She leaded to organization of the “Talking Book Festivals” which aims at encouraging children and the young especially to acquire reading as a habit and raising the consciousness on reading, held in Istanbul, Şanlıurfa and Kayseri. She also worked on the implementation phase of the “The Project on the Classrooms with Information Technology” which aims at establishment of the classrooms, fitting with the technological vehicles like computers, printers and projectors, at selected schools in the country. In scope of the project, she supported the “We are Retired, We are Volunteers” Project that aims at promoting the volunteer work of the retired teachers in favor of the needs of the orphanage that are affiliated to the Turkish Social Service and Children Protection Institution.

Known with her charitable, modest and religious personality; she is the mother of three children named; Ahmet Münir (1983), Kübra (1985) and Mehmet Emre (1991).

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