Kerim Erim
Mathematician, scholar of mechanics (B. Istanbul, 1 February 1894 – D. Istanbul, 29 December 1952). After completing Istanbul High School of Engineering (1914) he completed his PhD in Berlin University under the supervision of Albert Einstein (1919). He is the first Turkish mathematician to achieve the degree of PhD. Upon his return to Turkey he started to work in the school he graduated from as academic member. He was a member of the council to prepare the university reform. He undertook duties of analysis professorship and deanship in Istanbul University, Faculty of Science which was recently established. In the same time he continued giving lectures in High School of Engineering. When the High School of Engineering was transformed into Istanbul Technical University he left his duty here and continued his works only within Istanbul University. Later he became a professor in ordinary here. Between the years 1940-52 he presided the Institute of Mathematics, connected to Istanbul University, Faculty of Science.
Erim, as one of the founders of mathematics of republic period and an international figure of it, pioneered the education of differential and integral calculations and mathematical analysis methods in our country. He was not contented with his educational works in these fields, but he also started mathematical researches. Having the international quality of science as his starting point, he emphasized the need for international scientific publishing. Through his institutional researches and scientific publications he institutionalized it for the first time and turned it into practice.
Kerim Erim played an efficient role in spreading the education of high mathematics and establishing modern mathematics in Turkey. He also made researches on the relations of mathematics and physics with philosophy and is the author of numerous works in German and Turkish languages. With his works, he tried to establish a Turkish school in mathematics. He created abroad education possibilities for skilled students and attempted to raise a generation of young mathematicians. He contributed to leaning the science of mechanics to mathematical fundaments in Turkey. He made it possible in 1952 that the VIII. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was assembled in Istanbul.
Über die Trägheitsformen eines Modulsystems (On the Status Quo of a Module System, 1928); Nazari Hesap (1931), Mihanik (1934), Über eine neue Definition des mehrdimen-sionalen Integrals (On a New Definition Regarding Multi-Dimension Integrals, 1941), Diferansiyel ve integral hesap (1945), Über höhere Differentialelemente einer Regelfläche und einer Raumkurve (On the Highly Detailed Elements of an Extension Curve and a Base Level, 1945), Analiz Dersleri, Diferansiyel ve İntegral Hesap (1945).
REFERENCE: Ana Biritannica Genel Kültür Ansiklopedisi (c. 8, 1985), Osman Bahadır / Matematikte Bir Öncü (2006), Büyük Larousse (c. 6, s. 3770, 1986), Türkiye Ansiklopedisi (c.2, s. 591, 1974), Osman Bahadır / Matematikte Bir Öncü Kerim Erim (2006), İhsan Işık / Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).