Kul Sadi Yüksel

Kul Sadi Yüksel

April 3, 1957
Muş, Turkey
Konya Selçuk Institute of Education Department of Turkish

Poet and writer (b. 3 April 1957, Varto / Muş). He graduated from Konya Selçuk Institute of Education, Department of Turkish (1980). After working as Turkish teacher in Üsküdar İmam Hatip High School for two years (1982-84), he left teaching by his request and began to publishing. He directed Fıtrat Publications after Vahdet Publications (1984-85).

His poems, essays and studies were published in the local publications of Konya (Yeni Konya, Yeni Meram, Konya Postası, Türkiye’de Yarın, 1973-81) and in the newspapers and reviews Anadolu’da Bugün, Millî Gazete, Yeni Devir, Çağrı, Türk Edebiyatı, Ribat, Vahdet. He edited ten volumes explanation of Koran named Hak Dini Kur’an Dili (Language of the Koran, the Religion of God, Islam) of Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır. His work Tebrizli Güneş (Sun of Tabriz) was confiscated in 1981. The monthly review İzler, which he published in 1983, was closed by prohibition of its first issue. He got various degrees in Konya Minstrels Fest. He is renowned by his poems in addition to his studies.


POETRY: Gönülden (From Heart, 1978), Velfecr (Being Wide-awake, Quatrains, 1983), Gariplerin Sedası (Love of Misserables, 1984).

STUDY: Tebriz’li Güneş (Sun of Tabriz, 1981), Mevlânâ’yı Anlamak (Understanding Mevlana, 1984), İrfan ve Yunus Emre (Enlightment and Yunus Emre, 1985), Doğunun Uyanışı - İkbal (Awakening of the East-Prosperity, 1985), Yeryüzünün Varisleri (Heirs of Earth, 1997), Kelime-i Tevhid Davası (The Case of Word of the Uniqueness of God, 1998), Muvahhid Aileyi Kurmak (To Establish the Monotheist Family, 1998), Yitirilmiş Emniyet (Lost Security, 1998), Selefin İzinde (On the Way of Ancestors, 1999), Bu Böyledir (This is Like that, 2000), Tevhid – Resullerin Çağrısı (Uniqueness of God-Calls of Prophets, 2000), Girdaptaki Toplum (Society in Whirl, 1986; expanded publishing, 2000), İman ve İtaat (Belief and Obedience, 2000), Tevbe - Arınmanın Yolu (Repentance and the Way of Purification, 2000), Cennet Yarışı (Race of Heaven, 2000), İlmi Kuşanmak (To Become Scientific, 2000), Muvahhidlerin Akidesi (The Act of Monotheists, 2002), Muvahhid Şahsiyet (Monotheist Personality, 2003).

BIOGRAPHY: Ebu’l-Kelâm Azad (Ebu’l Kelam Azad, 1985), Şehadet ve Şehid Metin Yüksel (Testimony and the Martyr Metin Yüksel, 1992).

NOVEL: Bir Kıvılcım Daha Düştü (An Other Spark Has Fallen Down, 1984).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007).