Nuri Demirağ

Nuri Demirağ

Sivas, Turkey
November 13, 1957
Istanbul, Turkey
Other Names
Mehmet Nuri Demirağ

Businessman, politician, the founder of first aircraft factory (B.1886, Divriği/Sivas – D.13 November 1957, Istanbul). His father was Mühürzade Ömer Bey, and his mother was Ayşe Hanım. Since his father died while he was three years old, he was raised by his mother. He was appointed to the teacher assistantship due to his success in Divriği Ottoman Junior High School. In 1903, he passed the public service exam of Ziraat Bank and started working there as an official first and then in the treasury. At the same time, he attended the Evening School.

In 1918, he resigned from the financial auditor duty and entered into cigarette paper production. He started the production of first Turkish cigarette paper at a small store, and named it as Turkish Glory. In 1923, he took charge of the building construction of 2nd Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Then, by managing the constructions of Karabük Iron and Steel Plant buildings, Sivas - Erzurum Railway Line, a private wooden aircraft factory, and a pilot school of aircraftman, he showed a great success. Atatürk gave him the surname of Demirağ in 1934 because of these successes. Later, he founded the first aircraft factory in Turkey and constructed a large airspace area.

After the project of Bosphorus Bridge was not approved by Atatürk, Demirdağ experienced a great disappointment. However, he became the first railway contractor by obtaining the railway tender. It took him only a year to complete the railway between Samsun, Erzurum, Sivas, Erzincan, and Afyon-Dinar. Next, he constructed the aviation school and raised 290 pilots, and he became the first domestic parachute manufacturer of Turkey.  When the first aircraft manufactured by his plant crashed and the pilot died during a flight between Istanbul and Divriği in 1941, the aircraft workshop was closed down.

In 1945, he entered into the politics and founded the Milli Kalkınma Party. This party was the first opponent party founded during the transition to the multi-party system in the History of the Republic. Between 1954 and 1957, he entered the Grand National Assembly of Turkey as an independent deputy from the list of Democracy Party.

Known with his entrepreneurship, Nuri Demirağ prepared the initial plans of Turkish cities and villages. He constructed a cellulose plant in Izmit, a cement plant in Sivas and the wholesale market place building in Istanbul. He was engaged with various issues such as desertification, agriculture, animal breeding, energy, dams, bridges, and harbors. He was a liberal in his business life and a conservative in his private life. During a period he worked with Adnan Menderes and hosted Abdullah Gül with whom he was know to be a close friend, too, in the intellectual meetings held in his home.

Three books were written about Demirağ, who was a father of eight children from his marriage to Mesude Hanım.

ABOUT HIM: Büyük Larousse Glossary and Encyclopedia / Milliyet-Volume 6


 1.          Ali Can Sekmeç, 10. Yıl Marşına İlham Verdiler, Yeni Aktüel Magazine, Issue 184

2.           ^ Abdülkadir Gül, Osmanlı Devletinde Kuraklık ve Kıtlık, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Magazine, Volume 2/9 Fall 2009

3.           ^ Semih İncegöz, Türkiye’nin İlk Uçak Fabrikasını Kuran Adam Nuri Demirağ Aksiyon Magazine, 15.06.1996, Issue:80

4.           ^ Hayallerden Gerçekler Yapan Adam: Nuri Demirağ, Çelebice Magazine, Aralık 2009, Issue 20

5.           ^ Yrd. Doç. Dr. İsmail Yıldırım, Atatürk Dönemi Demiryolu Politikasına Bir Bakış, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Magazine, Issue 35, Volume: 12, July 1996

6.           ^ Yusuf Demir, 72 yıl önce yaptık ama…, Gazetevatan, 30.05.2010

1            Ziya Şakir; Uçak Sanayiimiz ve Nuri Demirağ, Istanbul,1947, pg.38.

2            Fatih M. Dervişoğlu; Nuri Demirağ, Ötüken Neşriyat, Istanbul, 2007, pg.73.

3            H.Nadir Bıyıkoğlu; Türk Havacılık Sa¬nayii. SSM Publication, Ankara, 1991. pg.ll.

4            H.Nadir Bıyıkoğlu; "Vecihi Hürkuş ve ilk Türk Uçağı". 2023 magazine. September 2008, pg.72.

5            H.Nadir Bıyıkoğlu: a.g.e., pg.91.

6            Tuncay Deniz; Türk Uçak Üretimi. Temmuz 2004, pg.30

7            Fatih M. Dervişoğlu:

8            Tansel Akalın- Nadir Bıyıkoğlu: Türk Savunma Sanayii Tarihi. Ankara, 2007. pg.135.

9            A. Nuri Yüksel: "Havacılık Sanayi Üs¬tüne Düşünceler". Ocak Magazine, May 1973. pg.56.