Mustafa Tatcı
Literature researcher (12 February 1961, Kızılcabölük / Denizli). He attended primary and secondary in Kızılcabölük and graduated Denizli High School (1978) and Uludağ University, Necati Bey Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1984). He completed his master in Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences with the thesis called Hayretî Divanında Din ve Tasavvuf (Religion and Sufism in the Divan* of Hayretî, 1986). He completed his doctorate in the same Institute of Social Sciences with the thesis called Yunus Emre Divanı – İnceleme, Tenkitli Metin (Divan* of Yunus Emre – Study, Analytical Text) (1990). In 1986 he was appointed as an academician to Gazi Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. From 1993 to 2000 he had worked as a member of publication committee at Ministry of Education Publication Center.
His articles were published in reviews like Millî Kültür, Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, Türk Kültürü, Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları, Türk Dili, Türk Edebiyatı, Dolunay, Erguvan, Yedi İklim, Journal Of Turkısh Studıes, Akademik Araştırmalar. In 1990 he collected an award in the competition of Yunus Emre Year of Affection Works organized by Work Bank of Turkey with the work called Yunus Emre Divanı (Divan* of Yunus Emre).
Niyazî-i Mısrî, Hayatı, Eserleri ve Fikirleri, Bir Risalesinin Tenkitli Metni (Niyazî-î Mısrî, His Life, Works and Opinions, Self-possessed Text of a Treatise, 1983), Hayretî Divanı'nda Din ve Tasavvuf (Religion and Sufism in Divan* of Hayretî, l986), Yunus Emre Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Yunus Emre, l988), Yunus Emre Divanı (Divan* Yunus Emre, 4 volumes, l990-97), Elmalılı Ümmi Sinan Halvetî (Elmalılı Ümmi Sinan Halvetî, l993), Türk Edebiyatında Tasavvufî Rüyâ Tabirnâmeleri (Sufism Book on the Interpretation of Dreams in Turkish Literature, with H. Çeltik, l995), Edebiyattan İçeri / Dini Tasavvufî Türk Edebiyatı Üzerine Yazılar (Inside from Literature / Writing Works about Religious Sufism Turkish Literature, 1997), Yesevîlik Bilgisi (Knowledge of Yesevilik, with C. Kurnaz, M. İsen, 1998), Hayretî'nin Dinî Tasavvufî Dünyası (Religious and Sufism World of Hayretî, 1998), İstanbul'da Buharalı Bir Mutasavvıf: Emir Buharî (A Sufi from Buhara in İstanbul: Emir Buharî, 1998), Yunus Emre Divan ve Risâletü’n-Nushiyye (Divan* of Yunus Emre and Pamphlet of, 2005).