Nazan Bekiroğlu

Nazan Bekiroğlu

May 3, 1957
Trabzon, Turkey
Erzurum Atatürk University Faculty of Literature Department of Turkish Language

Storywriter and researcher of literature (b. 3 May 1957, Trabzon). She attended the Trabzon İskenderpaşa Elementary School (1968), the Trabzon High School (1974), and graduated from Erzurum Atatürk University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language (1978). She completed her master studies at the Institute of Social Science at the same university in 1981, with the thesis "Ömer Seyfeddin'in Hikâyelerinde Avrupa Ülkeleri ve Türkler" (European Coutries and the Turks in the Stories of Ömer Seyfettin). After working as a teacher of literature in the Trabzon Industrial Vocational High School (1980-85), she became a lecturer at Karadeniz Technical University, Fatih Faculty of Education (1985). She became an associate professor with the thesis "Halide Edip Adıvar'in Romanlarının Teknik Açıdan Tahlili" (Technical Analysis of the Novels of Halide Edip Adıvar) in 1987. She became the head of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature.

Her articles were published after 1987 in the reviews Dolunay, Millî Kültür, Türk Edebiyatı, Yedi İklim, Millî Eğitim, Dergâh (1992) and in a column titled "Mor Mürekkep" (Violet Ink) in the newspaper Zaman in 1997. She collected the essay award of the Writers Union of Turkey in 2003, with the book Cümle Kapısı (Gateway).


SHORT STORY: Nun Masalları (Tales of Nun, 1997), Yusuf ile Züleyha (Yusuf and Züleyha, 2000), Mavi Lale (Blue Tulip, 2002).

NOVEL: İsimle Ateş Arasında (Between Name and Fire, 2002).

BIOGRAPHY: Şair Nigâr Hanım (The Poet Nigâr Hanım, 1998), Halide Edip Adıvar (Halide Edip Adıvar, 1999).

ESSAY: Mor Mürekkep (Violet Ink, 1999), Cümle Kapısı (Gate way, 2003).