Ömer Seyfettin

Ömer Seyfettin

March 11, 1884
Balıkesir, Turkey
March 6, 1920
İstanbul, Turkey
İstanbul War School
Other Names
Ayas, Camsâp, C. Nazmi, C. Nizami, Ç. Kemal, F. Nezihi, Feridun Perviz, Kâf-ı Farsi, Kaygusuz, M. Enver, M. Enver Perviz, Ömer, Perviz, Süheyl Feridun, Şit, Tarhan, Tekin

Storywriter (b. 11 March 1884, Gönen / Balıkesir – d. 6 March 1920, İstanbul). He attended primary school in Gönen, Eyüp Baytar High School in İstanbul (1896), Military School in Edirne (1900) and İstanbul War School (1903). He served as a first lieutenant in İzmir (1903-1908) and in border towns and villages with the 3rd Army Commandership in Thessalonica (1908-1910). In 1911, he left the army and began to write for the review Genç Kalemler, published in Thessalonica. He was recruited to the army when the Balkan War broke out and was captured by the Greeks during the defense of Yanya (1913). Later in the same year, he was released and returned to İstanbul. He began teaching literature at Kabataş High School and worked there until his death (1913-1920). Ömer Seyfettin, who died of diabetes, was first buried in Kuş Dili Graveyard and then was moved to Zincirlikuyu Graveyard (1939).

Ömer Seyfettin began his literary career with the poem Hissi Müncemid (Solid Feeling), which was published in the review Mecmuayi Edebiyye in 1900. In his article Yeni Lisan (New Language), which was published in the first issue of the review Genç Kalemler (11 April 1911) and is regarded as the founding declaration of the movement known as ‘National Literature’, he criticized the heavy, unfathomable language of the literature of Scientific Wealth and defended the necessity to write in a way which could be understood by the general public. He pioneered the ‘National Literature’ movement together with Ziya Gökâlp and Ali Canip Yöntem. Most of his works were inspired by his childhood memories, observations of daily life, folk legends and stories from history and mainly dealt with the theme of nationalism. He wrote approximately 140 stories in three years (1917-1920). His stories were published in reviews and newspapers such as Yeni Mecmua (1917-1918), Şair (1918-1919), Vakit, Türk Dünyası and Akşam (1918-1920). He serialized his story Yalnız Efe (Lonely Hector) in the newspaper Büyük Mecmua with the title Anadolu Romanı (Novel of Anatolia). Most of his books were published posthumously.


NOVEL: Ashab-ı Kehfimiz (Our Ashab-ı Kehf*, 1918), Efruz Bey (Efruz Bey, 1919).

NOVELLA: Harem (Harem, 1918).

SHORT STORY: After his death, his short stories were collected in a series of ten books according to the similarity of their themes, by the Bilgi Publishing House between 1970-1973: Efruz Bey (Efruz Bey, 1970), Kahramanlar (Heroes, 1970), Bomba (Bomb, 1970), Harem (Harem, 1970), Yüksek Ökçeler (High Heels, 1970), Kurumuş Ağaçlar (Dead Trees, 1971), Yalnız Efe (Lonely Hector, 1971), Falaka (Bastinado, 1971). Aşk Dalgası (Wave of Love), Beyaz Lale (The White Tulip), Gizli Mabed (Secret Temple). (His stories continue to be published by various publishing houses under various titles.)

POETRY: Ömer Seyfettin'in Şiirleri (Poems by Ömer Seyfettin, collected by Fevziye Abdullah Tansel, 1972).

ESSAY (collected by Muzaffer Uyguner): Dil Konusunda Yazıları (Articles on Language, 1989), Sanat ve Edebiyat Yazıları (Articles on Art and Literature, 1990), Olup Bitenler, Toplumsal Yazılar (What Happens, Social Articles, 1992), Türklük ve Türkçecilik Yazıları (Articles on Being Turkish and Defending the Turkish Language, 1993).

RESEARCH: Türk Masalları (Turkish Fairytales, 1906), Vatan, Yalnız Vatan (Motherland, Only Motherland, 1911), Millî Tarihimizden Çıkarılmış Ameli Siyaset (Applied Politics from Our National History, under the pen name Seyfettin Tarhan, 1914), Turan Devleti (The Turan State, 1914), Yazmak Sanatı (The Art of Writing, 1919).

REFERENCE Hikmet Dizdaroğlu / Ömer Seyfettin (1964), Tahir Alangu / Ömer Seyfettin: Ülkücü Bir Yazarın Romanı (monografi, 1968), Mehmet İsmet Binark / Ömer Seyfettin Bibliyografyası (N. Sefercioğlu ile, 1970), Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri II (1972), Muzaffer Uyguner / Ömer Seyfettin (1990), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007) – Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Atilla Özkırımlı / Ömer Seyfettin (1992), Feridun Andaç / Edebiyatımızın Yol Haritası (2000), Ertuğrul Efeoğlu / Ömer Seyfettin’in ‘Tekinsiz’ Bir Öyküsü Perili Köşk (Hürriyet Gösteri, Ocak 2005), Ömer Seyfettin’in hazin hikayesi (, 3.7.2014), Dilek Üğüden / Sahipsiz Biri Gibi Ölen ve Cesedi Kadavra Yapılan Ünlü Yazarımız Ömer Seyfettin’in Hazin Hikayesi (, 11 Temmuz 2016).