Abdurrahman Dilipak
Journalist and writer (b. 1949, Haruniye / Adana). He attended İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Arabic and Persian Language for a time after he had graduated from Adana İmam-Hatip School (1970). Afterwards, he graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Department of Journalism and Public Relations Advanced School (1979).
He worked at the publishing houses Fetih (1975), Seriye and Hicret (1979), the newspapers Millî Gazete (1977), Yeni Devir (one of the founders, 1977-78) and at the Çekirdek Publishing House (1982). He also worked as the Land Electrification Controller at the State Water Works 6th Region Directorate (1969), judo trainer (1971), press advisor at the National Salvation Party (1978), General Director of the National News Agency (1979), the general director of the review panel and member of the publication committee of the review Yeni Zaman (1989) and publication adviser at Beyan, Risale, Emre, Esra and İşaret publishing houses (1991), at the weekly review Cuma (1989) and the newspaper Selam (1989). He was also a weekly news program presenter on Channel D (1995), a press advisor at Individual Industry and Businessmen's Association (1993), advisor at the Teha Copyright Agency (1993), an advisor on the Lonca Card Project (1994), an analysis specialist at the Spog Research Institute (1994), a programmer and presenter at the TV Channel 6 and Channel 7 (1994- 96), a writer at the newspaper Akşam (1995), a program producer at Alem FM (1996), an adviser at Adım Holding and İhlas Holding (1994) and an advisory board member at İhlas Finans.
His first articles were published in local newspapers and reviews in K. Maraş (1963). He wrote daily columns in the newspapers Millî Gazete (1978-91), Beklenen Vakit (Akit, 1991) and Yeni Şafak (1994-95). Besides the newspapers that he worked for, he had his articles published in reviews such as Adım (1976), Yeni Sanat (1976), Girişim (1985-88), Dış Politika (publication director, 1986-87). He received the Tolerance Award given by the Journalist and Writers Association in 1996. Abdurrahman Dilipak, who is also known for his conferences in Turkey and abroad, became a popular writer with his books published in more recent years. As a Muslim writer, he has taken part in democratic activities with writers of differing views. He has also published collaborative books. He is a member of the Turkish Journalist Association Press Council, the Foreign Press Association, the Society for Oppressed People, the Islamic Environmental Movement and the Maltepe Environmental Culture Group.
ESSAY-RESEARCH: Terörizm, Terörist Kim (Terrorism, Who is a Terrorist?, 1986), Türkiye Nereye Gidiyor (Where is Turkey Going?, 1987), Bir Başka Açıdan Kadın (Woman from Another Angle, 1987), Bir Başka Açıdan Kemalizm (Kemalism from Another Angle, 1988), Savaş Barış İktidar (War Peace Power, 1988), Vahdet Ama Nasıl (Unity But How?, 1988), Körfez Savaşı (The Gulf War, 1988), İnönü Dönemi (The İnönü Era, 1989), Gizli CIA Belgeleri (Secret CIA Documents, 1989), Bu Din Benim Dinim Değil (This Religion is Not Mine, 1990), İslâm Cemaatine Doğru (Towards the Islamic Community, 1990), İhtilaller Dönemi (Era of Revolutions, 1991), Laisizm (Secularism, 1991), Yaşasın Şeriat (Long Live Sheriat, 1992), Sorunlar Sorular ve Cevaplar (Problems, Questions and Answers, 1992), Anayasa ve Demokrasi (Constitution and Democracy, 1994), Yağmalanan Ülke Türkiye (Turkey the Plundered Country), Cumhuriyete Giden Yol 1919-1923 (Way to the Republic 1919- 1923), Uzakdoğu' da Bir Filistin (A Palestine in the Far East), Laik Demokratik Cumhuriyet İlkelerine Bağlı Kalacağıma (I Will Stand Up for the Principles of a Laic and Democratic Republic), Çocuğumuza Ne İsim Verelim (What to Name Shall We Give to Our Children?), Rıza Nur'un Hayat ve Hatıratı (Life and Memoirs of Rıza Nur, 3 volumes), Cumhuriyetin Şeref Kitabı (Glory Book of the Republic), Kırmızı Yeşil (Red Green, with Şanar Yurdatapan, 2002).
HUMOR: Anya Manya Kumpanya (The Anya Manya Troupe, 1988), Dam Üstüne Saksağan (A Magpie On the Roof, 1993).
He has also written children’s books.
REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2009) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Fomous People (2013), Cem Erciyes / Yeşil ile Kırmızı (Radikal Kitap, 15.10.2002), Arzu Akbaş / İslamcı ressam kapış kapış (Hürriyet, 7 Mayıs 2001), Şanar Yurdatapan -Abdurrahman Dilipak / Kırmızı-Yeşil (Kitap Rehberi, Kasım 2002).