Nezihe Muhiddin

Nezihe Muhiddin

Istanbul, Turkey
February 10, 1958
Istanbul, Turkey

Novelist (b. ?, İstanbul - d. 1958). She used the pen name Nezihe Muhlis. She started her education at a local school in Kandilli and continued her education with private courses at home. For a while, she attended the Training School for Nuns and Teacher Training School for six months. After the declaration of the Second Constitutional Monarchy, she worked as a teacher at the Union and Progress Industry School. She worked as director and teacher at various schools. She became the Secretary General of the Ottoman Association for the Protection of Turkish Women; she was one of the founders of the Women Branch of the Naval Association. She worked in the Ottoman Defense of the Nation Women’s Association.

She published articles on the role of women in society in the magazines and newspapers of the period. She tried to make women more involved in social life. She led the Women’s Public Party of which the formation was banned in 1923 and she led the foundation of the Women’s Union of Turkey in 1924 where she was director until 1927. Meanwhile, she published the magazine Kadın Yolu (from the 4th issue named Türk Kadın Yolu - 1925-27), which was published on behalf of the Women’s Union. She wrote on the history of women’s movements in Turkey in her research Türk Kadını (Turkish Women) in which her memories and experiences featured.


NOVEL: Şebab-ı Tebah (Lost Youth, 1911), Benliğim Benimdir (My Personality is Mine, 1929), Güzellik Kraliçesi (Beauty Queen, 1933), Bozkurt-Küçük Mehmed’in Romanı (Grey Wolf-the Novel of Little Mehmet, 1934), Haydudun Sonu (The End of the Bandit, 1934), İstanbul’da Bir Landro (A Landro in İstanbul, 1934), Kevser Nine (Grandmother Kevser, 1934), Ateş Böcekleri (Fire Fly, 1936), Bir Aşk Böyle Söndü (A Love was Extinguished Like That, 1939, with the name Bir Aşk Böyle Bitti - A Love Ended Like That, in 1943), İzmir Çocuğu: Geçen Cihan Harbi Mütareke Seneleri Romanı (İzmir Child: Novel of the Armistice Years of the Last World War, 1943), Bir Yaz Gecesiydi (It was a Summer Night, 1943), Avare Kadın (A Vagrant Woman, 1943), Kalbim Senindir (My Heart is Yours, 1943), Çıngıraklı Yılan (Rattlesnake, 1943), Gene Geleceksin (You Will Come Again, 1944), Sus Kalbim Sus! (Quiet My Heart, Quiet!, 1944), Sabah Oluyor (Again it is Morning, 1944).

RESEARCH: Türk Kadını (Turkish Women, 1931).