Sadık Albayrak

Sadık Albayrak

February 13, 1942
Trabzon, Turkey
İstanbul Advanced Institute of Islam

Researcher, journalist and writer (b. 13 February 1942, Yenice village, Çaykara, Trabzon). He attended the Cudi Bey Primary School, Trabzon İmam Hatip School (1962) and İstanbul Advanced Institute of Islam (1966). He worked as the Sultanahmet Mosque preacher (1964- 67) and as an archive expert of Islamic records at the İstanbul Mufti’s House (1970- 78).

He was a columnist in the reviews Yeni Devir (1977-79), Millî Gazete (1979-, editor-in-chief for a time) and Yeni Şafak. He spent one year in prison under Article 163 of the Turkish Contitution because of the articles he wrote in 1985. He is known for his studies and research on thought and religious life in the Ottoman Empire and the Republican Era and the scholars of the time. He translated many important works that were written in the old alphabet and made them available for new generations. He won the Writers Union of Turkey Study and Research Award in 1981 with his work Son Devir Osmanlı Uleması (Ottoman Scholars of Last Period).

WORKS (Study-Research):

Sömürüye Karşı İslâm (Islam Against Exploitation, 1971), Türkiye'de Din Kavgası (The Religious Struggle in Turkey, 1973), Budin Kanunnâmesi ve Osmanlı Toprak Meselesi (Budin Law Book and Ottoman Land Issue, 1974), Son Devrin İslâm Akademisi (The Islamic Academy of the Last Period, 1974), Şeriatten Laikliğe (From Islamic Law to Laicism, 1977), Devrimin Çakıl Taşları (Stones of the Revolution, 1979), Yürüyenler ve Sürünenler (Those Who Walk and Creep, 1979), Son Devir Osmanlı Uleması (Schloars of the Last Period Ottoman, 5 volumes, 1980-81), Rahmet ve Savaş Peygamberi (The Prophet of Mercy and War, 1981), Manaho Deresi (Manaho River, prison notes, 1986), Taşlaşma-Çağdaşlaşma (Petrifaction – Modernization, 1987), Doğunun İsyanı (The Rebellion of the East, 1987), 31 Mart Gerici Bir Hareket mi? (Is 31st March Incident a Reactionary Move?, 1987), Meşrutiyet İslâmcılığı ve Siyonizm (The Constitutional Monarchy, Islam and Zionism, 1989), Cumhuriyete Doğru-Hilafetin Sonu (Towards the Republic – The End of Caliphate, 1989), Türk Siyasî Hayatında MSP Olayı (The National Salvation Party Incident in Turkish Political Life, 1989), Tek Parti Dönemi ve Batıcılık (The One-Party Period and Occidentalism, 1989), Devrimler ve Gerici Tepkiler (Revolutions and Reactionary Responses, 1989), Siyasi Boyutlarıyla Türkiye'de İslâmcılığın Doğuşu (The Birth of Pan-Islamism in Turkey and Its Political Aspects, 1989), Çağdaş  Devrim Yobazları (The Fanatics of Modern Revolution, 1990), MSP Davası ve 12 Eylül (The National Welfare Party Trial and 12 September, 1990), İslâm Dünyası Nereye Gidiyor? (Where is the Islamic World Going?, 1991), 22'sinde Bir Şehid / İbrahim Edkaide (A Twenty-two-Year-Old Martyr / İbrahim Edkaide, 1992), Hilafet ve Halifesiz Müslümanlar (The Caliphate and Muslims without a Caliph, 1992), Meşihat-Şeriat-Tarikat  Kavgası (Struggle of the Sheikh – Law – Tarikat*, 1994).

His simplifications have also been published.

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).