Saim Sakaoğlu
Literature and folklore researcher (b. 20 March 1939 - according to his calculation, 28 February, Meram / Konya). He has used Sadi Dirlik and Ahmet Eskişehirligil as pen names in some of his reviews and Sencer Sakarya in his poems. His father, Hafız Mehmet Sakaoğlu was a calligrapher (1975). He attended Hakimiyet-i Milliye Primary School (1951) and graduated from Konya High School (1959), İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1965) and the Çapa School of Advanced Teacher Training (1965) as a boarder. His doctorate thesis was Gümüşhane Masalları / Metin Toplama ve Tahlil (Gümüşhane Fairy Tales/ Text Collection and Analysis, 1971) His associate professorship thesis was Anadolu-Türk Efsanelerinde Taş Kesilme Motifi ve Bu Efsanelerin Tip Kataloğu (Petrified Patterns in Anatolian Turkish Legends and the Medicinal Catalogue of These Epics, 1977) and his professorship thesis was Senin Aşkınla / Kadirlili Âşık Halil Karabulut (With Your Love / The Poet from Kadirli, Halil Karabulut, 1988). He served as an deputy teacher at Kasımpaşa Primary School (1964) and a teacher of Turkish language and literature at Tokat Gazi Osmanpaşa High School and the Commercial High School (1965/67). He served for 21 years at Atatürk University, Faculty of Literature, Chair of Folkloric Literature (1967-88). Afterwards, he served as the Vice Dean of Selçuk University when he transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Science of this university from Ankara (1988-94). He is still a faculty member at the university.
His first articles were published in the humorous review Matrak and the school review Özlem (1959) from 1957. In the following years, his articles, reviews and poems were published in the reviews, Yeni Konya, Öz Demokrat Konya, Anahtar (Ankara), Çağrı, Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, Adımlar, Türk Kültürü, Türk Edebiyatı, Yağmur, Millî Kültür, Töre, Türk Folkloru, Yeni Düşünce, Tarla, Türk Dili, Dolunay, Türk Yurdu, Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, Makedonski Folklor, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Demos etc.
About 50 papers of his have been published at scientific conventions. He has written articles for several encyclopedias. (Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (Turkish Language and Literature Encyclopedia), Türk Aile Ansiklopedisi (Turkish Family Encyclopedia), TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (The Turkish Foundation for Religious Affairs), İstanbul Ansiklopedisi (İstanbul Encyclopedia), Kadın Ansiklopedisi (Women’s Encyclopedia), etc. In 1973, he won the first award of the newspaper Tercüman in the genre of review. In the same year, he won the first award from the same newspaper with his work, Atatürk ve Türk Dili (Atatürk and the Turkish Language). In 1982 he won the Folklore Man of the Year Award given by the Kayseri Artists Union, in 1985 the İhsan Hançer Award and in 1990 the İş Bank Grand Award. He is a member of the Turkish Culture Research Institute, the Turkish Language Association Science and Executive Council, the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey and the Folklore Research Foundation.
RESEARCH: Gümüşhane Masalları / Metin Toplama ve Tahlil (Gümüşhane Fairy Tales/ Text Collection and Analysis, 1973), Sarı Çiçek / Sivaslı Aşık Kul Gazi (Yellow Flower/ Sivaslı Kul Gazi, Minstrel from Sivas 1980), Anadolu-Türk Efsanelerinde Taş Kesilme Motifi ve Bu Efsanelerin Tip Katalogu (Petrified Motifs in Anatolian Turkish Legends and the Medicinal Catalogue of these Legends, 1980), Azerbaycan Aşıkları ve El Şairleri I-II (Azerbaijan Poets and Tribe Poets I-II 1985-86, with A. B. Alptekin ve E. Şimşik), Dadaloğlu (Dadaloğlu 1986), Ercişli Emrah (Emrah from Erciş, 1987), Senin Aşkınla / Kadirlili Aşık Halil Karabulut (With Your Love/ Poet Halil Karabulut from Kadirli 1987), Bayburtlu Zihni (Bayburtlu Zihni 1988), Dadaloğlu Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Dadaloğlu 1988), Bayburtlu Zihni Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Bayburtlu Zihni 1990, with A. B. Alptekin), Atatürk Gençlik ve Kültür (Atatürk, Youth and the Culture 1990), Türkmen Halk Masalları (Turkmen Folk Tales 1991, with M. Ergun), Folklor Bibliyografyaları Bibliyografyası Üzerine Bir Deneme (An Essay on the Bibliography of Folkloric Bibliographies 1991), Azerbaycan Tapmacaları / Bilmeceleri (Azerbaijan Worship/Riddles 1992, with Alptekin and Şimşek), Türk Fıkraları ve Nasreddin Hoca (Turkish Fables and Nasreddin Hoca 1992), Hikâye-i Garibe (A Story of a Strange Event, 1992, with A. Sevgi), Efsane Araştırmaları (Legend Research 1992), Hurşit ile Mahmihri Hikâyesi / İnceleme ve Metin (The Tale of Hurşit and Mahmiri / Research and Text, with Ali Duymaz, 1996), Proben VIII (Proben VII, Introduction and text quotation, 1997), Meddah Behçet Mahir'in Bütün Hikâyeleri I -II (All Stories of Meddah* Behçet Mahir I-II Vol. 1: 1997, Vol. 2: 1999; with A.B. Alptekin, E. Şimşek and Y. Sakaoğlu), Dede Korkud Kitabı (The Book of Dede Korkut, research and collection, 2 volumes, 1998), 80. Doğum Yılında Ahmet Tufan Şentürk (Ahmet Tufan Şentürk on the 80th anniversary of his Birth 1999), Masal Araştırmaları (Folk Tale Research 1999), İslâmiyet Öncesi Türk Destanları (Pre-Islamic Turkish Epics, with Ali Duymaz, 2002).
He has also prepared compilations.